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Main / Products  / Dielectric remedies / Dielectric gloves

Dielectric gloves

Dielectric gloves are designed to protect personnel from electrical shock while working in the electrical systems in the 1kW as the primary means of protection

to protect personnel from electric shock while working in the electrical systems in the 1kW as the primary means of protection, above 1 kV - as an additional, at an ambient temperature of 40 ° C to +4 ° C and relative humidity above 75%.

Gloves should be stored indoors at temperatures from 0 ° C to +25 ° C and relative humidity above 75%. When storing the gloves should be protected from direct sunlight and at least 1 m from the heating devices. It is also unacceptable hit the surface of oil, gasoline and other substances that deplete the rubber. In the case of storing up to 25 ° C, gloves must be dried at temperatures not above 60 ° C. In conditions of high humidity - dry at 60 ° C to remove traces of moisture.

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   "Murmansk marine     engineering service", Ltd.

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