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Main / Products  / Dielectric remedies / Dielectric overshoes

Dielectric overshoes

Dielectric overshoes designed to protect against electric shocks while working in closed, and, in the absence of rain, the outdoor electrical


to protect against electric shocks while working in closed and, in the absence of rain, the open fire electrical voltage to 1 kV and a temperature of minus 30 ° C to plus 50 ° C.

Overshoes should consist of a rubber top with a thickening on the board and corrugated rubber soles. Shoes are made of light gray or beige.

Sizes: 40-46


Overshoes must be operated at a temperature not lower than minus 30 ° C. After wearing the inside of galoshes wipe with a dry cloth.

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   "Murmansk marine     engineering service", Ltd.

Tralovaya str., 2,
Russia, 183001

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E-mail: murmanmis@mail.ru

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