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Main / Products  / Liferafts / Liferafts SeaSafe

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Liferafts SeaSafe

Liferafts are designed to save the passengers and crews of ships and aircraft in emergency landing on water in all latitudes of the world's oceans.

Liferafts are designed to save the passengers and crews of ships and aircraft in emergency landing on water in all latitudes of the world's oceans. Liferafts type "SeaSafe" meet the requirements of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea and approved by International classification societies

To rescue the passengers and crew members, ships and vessels in all latitudes of the world's oceans.

Meet the requirements of the International Code of Life-Saving Appliance (LSA Code) rafts.

SOLAS A Pack - for ships of unlimited navigation area;

SOLAS B Pack - for passenger ships making short international voyages;

C Pack - for inshore vessels, not engaged in international voyages.

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   "Murmansk marine     engineering service", Ltd.

Tralovaya str., 2,
Russia, 183001

Tel.  +7 (8152) 69-05-34
Fax. +7 (8152) 69-05-33
E-mail: murmanmis@mail.ru

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